Life poetry Uncategorized

March 7, 2019

As I sit here and let the days pass me by,

May I never lose sight of the things that matter.

As I grow deaf to the sound of mouses clicking, of telephones ringing,

May I never forget the voices of those who I have sought and have reciprocated the seeking,

Inviting me to go to where they are.

Where they are is where I’m needed,

Though where I am at the moment is just as important.

As the winds laced with smoke continue to remind me of how mundane it is to live in the city,

May I never forget the space that extends beyond my realms.

It is easy to get caught up with our own worlds,

Each full of problems uniquely their own.

But these problems… they do not belong to me.

They belong to the decisions I have made in this life so far.

They do not belong to me,

They belong to the world and its inherent desire to teach us a lesson.

You have been through what you do not want only to get an idea of what matters.

You have morphed into shapes you were not,

Only to discover your true form.

You are here, living off of honesty–

Principles and visions clear.

Insecurities could only take the backseat,

As long as you do not lose sight of the things that really matter.

Maybe I’ve been feeling tired because of all the unnecessary burden I’ve made myself carry. I’ve been used to so little, my palms are supine as if to receive alms. As if compassion were loose change one didn’t really think of twice to dispense.

By Gabrielle De Ocampo

🌸 Waiting for the next big thing. ✨Sometimes I write, sometimes I draw.
🌸 Public Health | Humanitarian Response | Community Development

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